Why does the spicy foods make our nose run?

Reason for nose running while eating food:

Our nose consists of tiny hairs and a sticky substance called mucous. During breathing, these hairs and mucous traps the harmful substance and thus preventing their entry into the nose. Now, the spicy food items like chilli, mustard, horseradish and wasabi contains chemical called capsaicin and allyl isothiocyanate. Now, when we eat such food items, the capsaicin and allyl isothiocyanate are released from them and travels through the pharynx and reach our nose. Pharynx is a membarane present behind nose and mouth. In nose, these chemicals activate the heat sensing receptors, thus causing inflammation in our nose and irritation of the mucous. Hence, as a defence mechanism more mucous is produce by our nose to get rid of these chemicals. Thus, making our nose run.

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