What next?? - Chandryaan series

 After the failure of Chandrayaan 2, ISRO is all set to launch it's next mission, part 3 of Chandrayaan. Within 1 year, they completed 70% mission.

What's the difference?

There is no massive difference between 2 and 3. Both are same in it's aspects and aim. But, a part of Chandrayaan 2 will no longer play a role in Chandrayaan 3. It's Orbiter. Now, ISRO has planned to launch Lander and Rover without Orbiter.

After Chandrayaan,

As our Prime Minister announced on August 15, 2018, ISRO will launch it's first manned space mission, GAGANYAAN to space. ISRO has planned to send 3 astronauts to space for minimum period of 7 days. It will be the first time India sent humans into the space and fourth country in the world. The ISRO's mightiest rocket, used in Chandrayaan 2 mission, GSLV Mark 3 will carry Gaganyaan into the space. And also the rocket uses the same 2 S200 booster to lift off Gaganyaan. 

By this we came to know that India is already became a developed nation in science and technology.

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