How Internet works?

Internet has become the daily part of our lives which becomes unavoidable in our day to day life. But how many of us knows it's working. Now in this article let's see the working of Internet. Stick to the article till last to get a clear cut vision on Internet.

For better understanding let's compare the working of internet with the postal services.

Data center: (Post office)

 Now, let's assume data center as the post office. In the post box, the posts from the senders are stored and it s taken to the post office where they separate the letters according to the places. 

While in the data center, the data are stored in a disc or a chip.

Optic fibers (Postman)

Let's assume optic fibers as the postman. The Postman took the letters from the post office and delivers it to the receiver of the letter. As like same, the optic fibers carries the data and delivers to our home.

Ip address: (Home address)

Here we compare the ip address with our home address. The Postman send the letters to our home address. As like the same, the optic fibers carries the data and delivers it to our ip address.

Domain :

Domain name is nothing but the nick name for ip address. We can't able to remember the ip address of all websites. So, we use domain names instead of ip address. For example, the ip address of Google is . It differs in many ranges from day to day. Hence, we use the domain Google instead of searching by using it's ip address. Now, we know some person called Peter but we don't know his mobile number. We use telephone directory to find out his number and address. In the same way, when we search by using domain names, the server called DNS (Domain Name System ) redirects into the particular ip address we want. DNS is called phone book of internet.

Working :

Now, let's see how this chain works. Now, the person John searches for Google in his browser (Internet explorer, Google chrome etc., ) The browser sends request to DNS server to get the corresponding ip address. After getting the ip address, John's browser forwards the ip address to the data center. Now, the data flow starts from the data center. The data are converted into digital format and transferred via optic fiber cables in the form of light pulses (light signals). These optic fiber cables are connected to our router. The Router converts the light signals into electrical signals. Now we transfer the electric signals our computer via ethernet cables which is connected to the router. 

Ok. Now, let's assume another person called Rawshe uses mobile phone. How can she get the internet? As like the same mentioned above, the domain name searched by Rawshe gets converted into the ip address by DNS. Rawshe's browser forwards the ip address to the data center and the data is received via optic fiber cables and it is fed into the Mobile towers. The towers converts the light signals from the optic fiber cables into the electromagnetic waves. Now, Rawshe mobile uses these electromagnetic waves and connects her phone with the particular websites she want.


Who controls all these processes? Who is the owner of the internet?

The answer is no one can control the Internet.The internet is a decentralized one. It means there is no owner for internet. But all these processes are governed by ICANN. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Named and Numbers.

ISPs are nothing but Internet Service Providers. The most common ISPs in India are JIO, Airtel, Vodafone. Theses ISP s laid down optic fiber cables and towers and transfer the light signals to the particular receivers. In India, the light signals from the optic fiber cables comes to Mumbai from different data centers of America, UK. The Internet Service Providers use their optic cables from Mumbai to transfer the data to different states and different regions of our country.They laid down the cables at their own cost all over India connecting to Mumbai. Hence, we are paying the amount for Airtel for the transfer of data by their optic cables and towers. It doesn't mean that the Airtel is offering internet. They just transfer the data from the data centers by their cables. 

Hope now you understand the working of internet. If you have any queries, shoot your questions in the comment section below. 

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