Are preservatives bad for health?

A preservative is a substance added to foods, cosmetics and medicines etc., to prevent them from spoiling. Preservatives like salt and sugar are added to prevent the growth harmful bacteria in foods and thus preventing them from spoiling. However, the increased amount of salt and sugar can cause diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Some food items are preserved with benzoic acid which causes hyperactivity in children and it also causes asthma. Sorbic acid is used in cosmetics, which causes skin irritation. The preservatives like sulfite can cause serious health problems in asthma patients like difficulty in breathing, tightness in chest, etc., Hence, it is very important to check the preservatives used and have them in moderate in amounts.


  1. evanume..naturak preservativesana..salt and sugar use panrathila...they are using only chemical preservatives.....

    u cannot say salt and sugar will lead to diabetics..hence salt is used for will jot cause u diabetics...will it...

  2. no.. salt is not responsible for diabetes..And in the same time sugar is not also directly involved in diabetes. it leads to excessive insuline secretion which can lead to diabetes.
