The Greatest Scientific Achievements of 2018

December is the month of - best of lists, which is always a challenge - especially when you are ranking the most influential scientific achievements of the year. In 2018, there was many discoveries, achievements and inventions took place. We, analyze as possible more than 40 achievements and sort out 10 and arranged them in an descending order. Here is the list below.

10. Discovery of World's oldest cave art:

We found the World's oldest cave art. Researchers announced that they found 65000 years old paintings in a cave in spain. And also they found that the paintings were not drawn by humans but by the Neanderthals. Further more information, the nat geo link is attached with it. Just go through it to see the evacuation of these paintings. 

9. New Organ was found:

The Scientists discovered the new organ and it is called the interstitium. It is present between our muscles, around our veins and arteries, lining our digestive tract, surrounding our lungs. This discovery was announced in March, and scientists were able to find it because of a high tech new imaging technique that does not require any cutting. Interstitium is a series fluid-filled cavities and those cavities collapse when you take a tissue sample. Welcome to the body, interstitium!

8. Serial killer got caught via Genealogy website:

Genealogy is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history. In April, Joseph DeAngelo - the man, popularly known as Golden state killer, a serial murderer who got away with his crimes for decades, was arrested based on DNA evidence. Joseph DeAngelo  is a serial killer, rapist and burglar who made 13 murders, more than 50 rapes, and over 100 burglaries in California from 1974 to 1986.  The DNA evidence was not in any federal(official govt) database; instead, it happened to match the DNA of the relative who had uploaded their genealogy data to the open source website GEDmatch. It's really great achivement for polis and law enforcement but a worrying sign of lack of privacy for public.
Sketches made by FBI to suspect Golden state killer

7. Achievements made in space:

In february, we made the first discovery of extragalactic planets. Extragalactic planets are the planets that found outside our galaxy. In July, we found out that Jupiter had 12 more moons, we didn't know about. And at the begining of october, we got a two mangoes from a single stone. We discovered the moon beyond our solar system and the little world beyond pluto. The astronomers nicknamed that world as the Goblin.

6. First Ancient - Human Hybrid was discovered:

In August, Paleogeneticists announced that they had discovered something extraordinary. That was, an ancient human female who died in Siberian cave 90000 years ago. That female was a child of a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father. Neanderthal and Denisovan are both close cousins of Homo sapiens and we have had some evidence that ancient humans got down with many different homonid species, this is the biggest discovery we've made to date.

5. Signs of water on Mars:

We found signs of water on Mars. In July, the European Space Agency's(ESA) Mars Express spececraft received radar data suggestive of 20km zone of liquid water in sediments below the south pole of Mars. While, we discovered water ice and even evidence snowstorms on Mars, this is the most promising evidence for water in it's liquid form. For futher more info, Check out the link.

4. Lots of Spacecrafts launched and landed:

We have been launching things into space like crazy. The launch of most famous, Tesla Roadster by SpaceX, ESA's Bepicolombo spacecraft to Mercury, Japan's Hayabusha2 spacecraft landed rovers on the asteroid Ryugu and NASA's OSIRIS- REx spacecraft successfully arrived at asteroid Bennu and NASA's Insight lander arrived on the Mars in late November and it is sending back some images.
Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster orbiting on the space

3. Discovery of oldest known organism:

In September, Australian scientists discovered a fossil turned out to be the oldest known animal in the geological record. The fossil organism, called Dickinsonia, lived 558 million years ago.

2. Scientists produced mice with two different mothers:

In October, Scientists announced that they had used genetically edited stem cells to produce healthy ice from two mothers. The mice lived into adulthood and went on to produce offspring of their own. This makes a way to produce offspring withot pairs, without sexual reproduction. At the same time, another scientist created genetically edited human babies this year. But, it is unethical.

1. We Redefined KILOGRAM:

Long ago, measurements were made by the length of our arm and size of our palm. Over time, things got more advanced, but we were still using a meter for a long bar and kilogram for a heavy cylinder. In 1983, the scientists redefine meter as, 'the meter is based on the distance travels in certain amount of time'. In November 2018, they redefine kilogram too. As of the 26th General Conference on Weights and Measures, the Kilogram is now based on Planck's constant. The Kilogram is dead! Long live Kilogram! haha...

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