Amritsar Train Accident - 30 seconds 60 Dead-Whose fault?

Amritsar train incident:

The Amristar train accident left 61 died and several other injured when two trains speeding in opposite directions mowed down people standing on tracks near a railway crossing. The victims were watching the burning of Ravanan effigy at Dussehra celebration. Now, there are several debates arguing whose fault is this? I may write in my opinion about this issue scientifically,
                                                  The loco pilot and signal man are the two mainly responsible for the running of train after it's depart from the station. 

Role of signal man:

The function of signal man is to give signal to different trains to take different tracks to complete route on time. They have a locked device to give these signals. So this is the role of signal man and in Amristar case, the signal man gave signal as he has no information about anybody on the track.

Role of Loco pilot:

The train has to run the train according to the signal he receives. The various signals he receive while running the train are,

Green - Go fast or full speed
Yellow - Go slow, looking carefully on the track
Red - Stop

So, in this case the driver has green signal and he goes on his usual speed.

Now let's see the braking system of train. The average freight train is 1 to 1 1/4 miles in length (90 to 120 rail cars). When it is moving at 55 miles an hour, it takes a mile or more to stop after the locomotive engineer fully applies the emergency brake. At the same time an 8 car passenger train running at 80 miles an hour needs a minimum distance of 400 - 500 meters to come to a stop after the emergency brakes are applied.

Now the question is Did the driver did the right thing? YES, HE IS.

Let's see how it is,

  • It is impossible to stop the train at such speed.
  • He kept horning to make everybody aware of the approaching train.(But unfortunately people must not have heard it as the sound from the exploding crackers would have muffled the train sound horn)
  •  He did not apply full emergency brakes as it may derail the train(derail means causing the train to move out of tracks).
  • After he run over the people, he did the right thimng of not stopping the train as the people present in the ground would have burned the train and killed the driver and cause injury to the passengers.
Thus he had done his duty and perform it with his full ability. It was the fault of the individuals who stand on the track. Sadly in our country lives has no values. Every single day our people may be died by breaking the road rules such as not wearing helmets, taking mobile while driving, wrong side driving etc., Last year over 1 lakh people lost life in road accidents because they were not wearing helmets and seat belts. So, finally OBEY TRAFFIC RULES and AVOID ACCIDENTS.

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