Here is how Jeanny Yao and Miranda Wang have come up with new method of Plastic Recycling

Did you know?

Every year we dump around 8 million tonnes of plastic wastes in the ocean and 15 thousand pieces of plastic wastes are dumped in the ocean each day and 95% of marine water samples tested around the world contain microplastics. The consequences of these wastes causes widespread reduction in marine productivity as well as negative impacts on fisheries. UN reports that these consequences amount to the annual loss of 13 billion dollars.

The two young innovative minds Jeanny Yao and Miranda Wang come up with their way to recycle the plastics. They realized that the challenge lies not only in the difficulty of collecting plastic fragments in the oceans but also in the lack of available technology that is sacleable to transform plastic wastes into useful materials. Gaining knowledge in bio-technology, these realize that the microbes are not only used for bio remediation but also they are employed to produce many useful products such as antibiotics, insulin and pharmaceutical drugs. The list goes on and on and not constrained to medicine. Now in order to reduce these plastics, they cultured microbes to upcycle plastic waste into valuable products for aquaculture. They have come up with the two steps to achieve this,

  1. To optimizing the microbes that are naturally able to breakdown the plastics and making them really good at extraction energy from the carbon source.
  2. Bio engineering these microbes to produce highly valuable products for aquaculture as they grow and multiply.
By using this two step process, they created an integrative solution to the two problems. They used these plastic eating microbes to create a vaccine components and also as feed for fishes. They find that the fish eating this microbial waste grown equally with the fishmeal feeding fishes and also they found that the fish eating microbial wastes show 73% less mortality rate as compared to that. 

Process :

  1. Collection of non recyclable marine plastics.
  2. These plastics will be processed and fed into microbes which will be able to grow in the bio reactors in the faster rate.
  3. As they grow and multiply, they will be able to bio synthesize valuable feed and fish vaccine components for the aquaculture industry.
Using the skills that Yao learned in her biochemistry combined with Wang's engineering entrepreneurship, they founded BioCellection at the age of 21.

Now, the BioCellection recycles about 10 litres of plastics a day. And also they started a pilot programme with the Greenwaste director Hanson to clean up all wastes in the city of San Jose, California.

Now, they use series of chemicals and convert the non recyclable plastics into compounds that can be used to make clothing, carpet and other consumer goods.

Our long term goal is to be able to recycle all of the city of San Jose's and other cities of US
                                                                                        ~ Wang, CEO of BioCellection

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