Why do we vomit?

Vomiting is the forcible emptying of stomach contents through our mouth. It is actually our body's protective mechanism to get rid of toxic foods that we might have ingested. Vomiting is generally controlled by the part of our brain called postrema. When it instructs our stomach to vomit, several things happen in our body. First of all, the teeth gets coated with excess saliva to prevent them from stomach acid. Second, our heart rate and breathing increases as we make sound (retch). Finally, the stomach and other abdominal muscles forcefully push the contents upward and we vomit. 

Reasons for puking(vomiting):

  • Food poisoning
  • Motion sickness
  • Stomach flu
  • Pregnancy
  • Over eating
  • Stress
  • Head injury
  • Ear problems
  • Excess consumption of alcohols and drugs. 

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