What rover will do in Chandrayaan 2 mission? - Chandrayaan Series

Chandrayaan 2 rover is a 6 wheeled robotic vehicle that works for 1 lunar day (14 earth days). This rover carries 2 main components. 
  1. LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope)
  2. APIXS (Alpha Particle Induced X-ray Spectroscope).
Let's see the working of these 2 components.


It uses laser to shoot the surface and then characterizes plasma. The pulsed laser hits the sample by the average of 1000 pulses per second. On the contrary, it emits lights of different wave length in which the element can be easily identified. It takes about few seconds for LIBS to find the elements present on the sample.


It blasts alpha particles on the lunar surface and then measures X ray fluorescence.

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