What is Sleep Paralysis? - knudge Factory

Sleep Paralysis is a condition in which we are conscious but temporarily unable to move or speak. It usually occurs when we suddenly wake up from the REM sleep. Normally, there are 4 stages of sleep. Stage 1 2 3 are Non- REM sleep and stage 4 is REM sleep. One of them is Rapid Eye Movement Sleep. In this stage, we will dream. Researchers suggested that when we dream, the two chemicals called GABA and Glycine are released which switch off the activity of cells in the brain that allows our muscles to move. These paralyzed muscles preventing enacting of dreams into reality and getting hurt.  When we suddenly wake up during REM sleep, the glycine and GABA are still active and we are temporarily unable to move even though we are conscious. This is called Sleep Paralysis.
Sleep cycle

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