Why do snakes have forked tongue?

Reason for forked tongue of snakes:

Even though snakes have nose, they smell the odours of their prey or mate or surroundings with the help of the tongue and vomeronasal organ(Jacobson's organ). Each time when the snake flicks it's tongue in the air, it collects the odour particles present in the air. After collecting the odour particles by using tongue, it sends those particles to the vomonersal organ. This organ detects the odour and sends signal to the brain, helping the snakes to smell. Now, we know that when we see an image with our two different eyes, our brain combines those two perceptions and make a detailed image of the surrounding. Similarly, because of the presence of forked tongue, it collects the odour from the both sides, helping the snake to identify in which direction the odour is coming from and thus make it easier to locate a prey.

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