How did lizards stick to the walls?

Sticking of lizards onto the wall:

Now, the toes of lizards have tiny hair like structure called setae. The Setae are branched into tiny bristles called spatulae. Saptulae helps the species to stick to the wall by using the principle of opposite charges attract each other. Now the molecules of the object or body are usually electrically neutral. But these molecules have the side that is more positive and a side that is more negative. Now, when the lizards walk on the wall, they place their spatulae at such an angle that they are positively or negatively charged sides to get attracted to the opposite charges present on the wall surface. These forces of attraction are called Van der Waals forces. Now, the lizards have billoins of spatulae on their feet. So, they create an enough Van der Waals forces to get stick to the wall.