Tonsil stones

What are tonsil stones?

When we open our mouth and look it in miror, we can see a pair of palatine tonsils in our throat. These tonsils have cravices called  tonsillar crysps. Sometimes the mucus and bacteria are collected in the tonsillar crysps and begin to calcify. Calcification is the accumulation of calcium on a particular part of the body. Usually this happens in the formation of teeth. However, sometimes the accumulation of calcium in the tonsillar crysps may lead to the formation hard structures which are called tonsil stones.


  1. What happens if tonsil stones formed?

    1. nothing will happen..will give some unpleasant smell..and also it comes while brushing..

  2. it will automatically comes out of our mouth or else we have to consult ENT doctor

  3. looking at Tonsil stones runs a chilling sensation down the spine.
