Unsolved Ocean Mysteries 2

Mysteries of ocean - 2:

1. 52 Blue:

This 52 blue neither indicates a color nor a place. It indicates mammal, an organism which is similar to the blue whale. Normally blue whale sounds / sings / cries at 15 to 20 hertz. But this mammal cries in 52 hertz. Hence, it named. This whale song was noted by technician on December 7th, 1992 in the North east pacific ocean. There arising a several questions like Why does this whale sounds different? Can other whales able to hear it? If they hear, do they understand? Some researchers say that it was malformation which causes change in their sound and others say it might be a hybrid produced from blue whale and other species. But till now, it's still a mystery.(in video: blue whale sound/ in link: 52 whale sound)
52 Blue sound

2. Upsweep:

Acoustics is the branch of physics that deals with the study of sound. Usually NOAA uses hydrophones to record the sounds in oceans in which they predicts earthquakes and record blue whale sounds in ocean. In 1997, the scientist recorded the extremely loud, low frequency sound heard from 5000km apart from the place where they placed hydrophones. Oceanographers recently found that it was the sound of glaciers in Antartica coast. In 1991, there is a different sound recorded in pacific ocean which is seasonal occurs only in spring and fall. Researchers arguing that the sound was from volacanic eruptions and seismic activities in the pacific ocean. But, according to NOAA the orgin of the sound is unresolved.

3. Why are deep sea creatures so huge?

And the answer is unknown. In the deep of the ocean, the organisms go bigger as we go deep in the ocean. This phenomenon is called deep sea gigantism. The polar region sea living organisms are really huge. eg: Colossal squids. According to Bergmann's rule, temperature may influence the gigantism. But it's not sure, only the guess. The reason for this gigantism is still a mystery.(In pic: Colossal squids)

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